Exploring Innovative Memory Care Strategies for Seniors

Innovative Memory Care Strategies for Elderly Patients
For seniors, mental health is an essential part of any healthcare strategy. Read here for information on innovative memory care strategies for elderly patients.
Keyword(s): innovative memory care strategies for elderly patients
It's estimated that nearly 5.8 million people in the United States suffer from dementia. There's no denying that these types of memory conditions can be scary and difficult experiences to go through.
Unfortunately, they are often made worse by the limitations of traditional assisted living programs. Things like a lack of personalized attention, restricted living conditions, and few social engagements can hasten the onset of the condition.
What's worse, it significantly impacts the quality of life of the individual. That's why innovative memory care strategies for elderly patients are so important.
In this guide, we'll explore some of these strategies you can incorporate into memory care for your loved one.
Personalized Care
Everyone with a memory condition is different. Some will be further along in the disease which will require more hands-on day-to-day care. Others may be able to maintain independence but need a safe environment to do so.
There are also personal preferences that need to be considered. The most innovative memory care strategies recognize that not one set program or treatment will work for everyone.
Instead, the answer lies in personalized care. The caregivers and staff should sit down with your loved one and get to know them. This allows them to form a personalized connection.
More importantly, it teaches them the individual's likes, dislikes, and personal preferences. Keep in mind that this is a collaborative effort too.
When caregivers, healthcare workers, and family members come together to help personalize the care, it produces the best results. So make sure you only go with memory care services that offer personalized care plans.
Community-Based Support
People with memory care conditions need to stay socially active. Not only has this been shown to improve quality of life, but it also improves brain health and can delay the onset of certain symptoms.
Lifestyle programs are a great way to promote social activities for people with memory conditions. Regular family involvement can also be incredibly valuable since strong memories of these people can help engage with memory.
Lastly, autonomy is important. The person should be allowed to set their daily schedule and seek relationships out on their own.
Personal freedom for seniors needs to be a priority for those who don't require intensive dementia care.
Music Therapy
Music is linked heavily to memory. Think about when you hear a song you haven't heard in years and it takes you right back to a specific time and space.
Perhaps that's why studies suggest that music therapy is a promising solution for delaying the onset of Alzheimer's. Music therapy can take the form of either listening to music or participating in it by playing an instrument or singing.
Besides being a great tool for engaging patients with memory conditions it also comes with plenty of other benefits. Some of these include:
- Reducing anxiety levels
- Improving mood levels
- Helping facilitate social interactions
- Strengthening senior mental health
So if your loved one has a music appreciation this form of care can be a great way to connect with them while delaying their condition.
One piece of technology that's proving valuable to people with memory conditions is virtual reality. While you might not think it, VR tech has been shown to improve cognition in seniors with Alzheimer's.
It's also good for reducing agitation levels. Plus VR can provide individuals with immersive experiences that they might not otherwise benefit from. For example, with VR you can visit fun travel locations or tour museums.
If the memory condition has progressed considerably, then sensors and trackers can be used to monitor the status of your loved one.
Art Therapy
Art therapy is another great tool that can be used to engage both cognitive and motor skills. It doesn't matter if it's through painting, sculpting, or any type of mixed media.
As long as the person is expressing themselves creatively it's going to be beneficial. Art allows people to connect with their inner selves while stimulating their senses.
Plus, a finished work of art can be a valuable accomplishment for people with Alzheimer's. Memory loss can also be extremely stressful. So the calming nature of art can be great for dealing with this.
While it might not be obvious, no other sense is tied to our memory more than scent. That's why smelling an old perfume or food smell can take you right back to a childhood memory.
That's why aromatherapy can also be beneficial for people with memory loss. This form of therapy uses essential oils and other scents to create a sensory-rich environment.
In addition to the benefit of routine, this form of therapy is also extremely relaxing. It can provide some emotional balance for people who might be frustrated with their condition or situation.
Where Can You Find Innovative Memory Care Strategies for Elderly Patients?
When searching for places that can accommodate these memory care strategies you first need to look at their programs. You want to make sure they offer living options that are specifically catered toward people with memory conditions.
It's also important that they have personalized care plans. Dementia and Alzheimers progress at different rates. That means that everyone starts their career in a different state.
And as the condition progresses the community will need to be flexible in providing more care as needed. When choosing between care communities we recommend calling and suggesting some of the memory care strategies in this guide.
If they can't accommodate you, then you should look elsewhere. You should also check to see if they have positive reviews. This will give you a better idea of what past clients with memory conditions have been like.
Need Personalized Memory Care? Contact Discovery Village Clear Lake
We hope this guide helped you discover innovative memory care strategies for elderly patients. Here at Discovery Village Clear Lake, we know that one-size-fits-all solutions to memory care are destined for failure.
That's why we pride ourselves on offering personalized care from a team of compassionate and trained staff.
Everything, from safety to dining, is catered toward them. So if you're ready to make a personalized care plan for your loved one, get in touch with us today.